
In 2024, we are privileged to have Mike Raiter speaking to us about The Road Less Travelled from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, through three talks over the course of the weekend:
- Talk 1 - The Blessed Christian - Matthew 5:1-16
- Talk 2 - The Perfect Christian - Matthew 5:17-48
- Talk 3 - The Doing Christian - Matthew 7:13-29
From Mike:
“One of the big questions men ask themselves is ‘Who am I? What’s my identity’. Over this weekend Jesus will tell us the most important thing about ourselves. We belong to Jesus.This has massive implications for our daily lives. Jesus spells this out practically. Jesus’ teaching is radical, challenging, and sometimes even uncomfortable, but it’s not to be missed.”
Mike is an internationally-recognised Christian speaker and author, beginning his career as a teacher, before studying at Moore Theological College, and later becoming the principal of Melbourne School of Theology. He is now the Director of the Centre for Biblical Preaching, which aims to train and equip churches in expository preaching around the world.
Mike is married to Sarah and they have four children (Joel, Nate, Pippa and Lauren). To keep fit he likes to wrap his mind around cryptic crosswords, sudokus, and Scandinavian crime novels.